Canadian Olympian Melissa Bishop

In today's show, Melissa shares her story of how she became an Olympian and what motivates her now to live her best life. She also speaks about:

  • How having kids puts her world into perspective

  • Why she feels "time is a thief"

  • The 3 things she needs every single day and why

  • How she stays grounded

  • What does "Respect all, but fear none" mean to her

Melissa is a 3 x Olympian in the 800m track and field event. In 2016, she finished just off the podium in 4th.

As a world silver medalist, Pan Am Gold Medalist, and Canadian Record holder, Melissa recently stepped away from the sport to have her second daughter.

With over a decade on the professional running scene, and a lover of family and sport, she’s still trying to perfect that balancing act …if there is such a thing!

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Follow Melissa on Social Media:

IG: @melissacorinneb

Twitter: @bishopmelissa

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