Trauma-informed Yoga With Tai Salih

Tai Salih is the founder of Red Ma'at Collective and she joins Sophia to discuss;

  • The importance of recognizing the narratives we hold in our bodies and why listening to the mind and body supports healing

  • What discomfort in the body tells us

  • How to put into the world what we want back

  • Her definition of authenticity

If you're looking to understand how movement can transform and heal your life, today's show will definitely be enjoyable for you.

Tai Salih, E-RYT® 500, YACEP®, lululemon ambassador, came to Canada as a refugee in her youth. Today, she is the Founder of the Red Ma'at Collective and Red Ma’at Healing Centre and is working towards her psychotherapist designation. Her dedicated passion for healing through her traumas has guided her desire to do more for and within the community. 

Tai's approach encompasses a compassionate and intersectional lens geared towards uplifting and empowering BI&WoC/gender-expansive folx. Tai is a womanist and intersectional feminist, who believes in uplifting and empowering women/gender-expansive folx through intersectional wellness, therapeutic yoga, and education on trauma healing to build resiliency and autonomy.

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Healing with Tai

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Ebook: ⁠⁠⁠The Other Side of Infidelity ⁠⁠⁠

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Regret: Bitter or Better


Motherhood Affirmations: Gentle Kindness