Habitual Self-Comparison Will Kill Your Happiness

“Comparison with myself brings improvement, comparison with others brings discontent.” -Betty Jamie Chung.

One way or another, we have all been in a space of comparing ourselves to others. It disconnects you from who you truly are.

In today's episode, you'll learn how:

🎯 Journaling will empower change

🎯 You vs. You can remove the pull to compare

🎯 The practice of sending good vibes will change your state

**** Today is officially the last episode of Wisdom Wednesday. We will be going back to our regular Thursday shows starting next week September 29th****

Follow me on IG for more inspiration here: @aim4uconsulting

Contact me: https://www.aim4uconsulting.com/contact

Hit the link to get your hands on-

"Lean Into Self-forgiveness & Reimagine Your Future"

Send me a voice message here: https://anchor.fm/sophia-tuckett/message

Find Sara Here:

Instagram: @_secoaching

Book a 30 min consultation: https://calendly.com/relationshipcoachingxo

Website: https://www.serelationshipcoaching.com/

Email: Sarajcoaching@outlook.com


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